Sunday, 14 November 2010

TotalBiscuit on Black Ops

You may already have heard of him, but one of my favourite YouTube users is the tea-drinking maniac known as TotalBiscuit. He plays a lot of different games and is currently in the process of commentating a Starcraft II contest called SHOUTcraft and releasing lots and lots of videos featuring the Cataclysm beta. So if you're a Blizzard fan you should definitely check it out.

But since I'm currently quite addicted to Treyarchs new Call of Duty-game, I'm going to link to his video that explains a little bit about the game in his usual fashion.


  1. seems okay, I was kinda worried about it, seeing as how IW wasn't making it.

  2. Black ops ain't that good dude. It's much different from MW2, and even that wasn't that great. How can people pay $60 for it?

  3. Virus: Because I only payed like 40$ for it. Besides, the campaign was awesome and the zombie mode is also great. All-in-all it's pretty much your standard CoD-shooter, but, evidently, it works out well for Treyarch in terms of sales.

    Plus, Black Ops has dedicated servers, which is a huge advantage over MW2.

  4. Really like this game, my favourite call of duty had to be cod4 though,
    Good video mate..

  5. got black ops my opinion its veeeery overrated :/ its like every else COD just the graphics are awesome

  6. I'm enjoying myself, but the only thing the wrecks my mind is holding down an area in TDM and having the entire enemy team spawning behind me.

  7. The Professor: Yeah, the spawn system can be really annoying at times.

  8. man i need to check out this game! i'm seeing it everywhere and havent played it yet

  9. the graphics in Black Ops are a huge let down for me. MW2's level of realism and fluidity makes Black Ops seems like its a N64 game. Still playing it though, its not horrible but hardly amazing.

  10. Really like this game, my favourite call of duty had to be cod4 though,
    Good video mate..
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